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Bookstack Setup


php >= 8.0.2

  • For installation and maintenance, you’ll need to be able to run php from the command line.
  • Required Extensions: OpenSSL, PDO, MBstring, iconv, Tokenizer, GD, MySQL, SimpleXML & DOM.
apt install php8.2-fpm php-cli php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-mbstring php-curl

uncommnet the lines in php.ini on /etc/php/8.2/fpm/php.ini

extension=exif      ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it

MySQL >= 5.7 or MariaDB >= 10.2

  • For the storage of BookStack content and data.
  • Single Database (All permissions advised since application manages schema)
apt install mariadb-server

Git Version Control

For application of updates when following our standard process.

apt install git

A PHP Compatible Webserver

For usage with PHP and for serving static files.


Composer >= v2.0

  • For installation and management of our PHP dependencies.

follow the page linked and then move the file to PATH

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer


  • Clone the release branch of the BookStack GitHub repository into a folder.
git clone --branch release --single-branch
  • cd into the application folder and run
composer install --no-dev
  • Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill with your own database and mail details.
  • Ensure the storage, bootstrap/cache & public/uploads folders are writable by the web server.
  • In the application root, Run php artisan key:generate to generate a unique application key.
  • If not using Apache or if .htaccess files are disabled you will have to create some URL rewrite rules as shown below.
  • Set the web root on your server to point to the BookStack public folder. This is done with the root setting on Nginx or the DocumentRoot setting on Apache.
  • Run php artisan migrate to update the database.
  • Done! You can now login using the default admin details with a password of password. You should change these details immediately after logging in for the first time.